Thank you for choosing {crud:api}, let's get you up and running as quickly as possible.
Click the "Sign up" button (top right), go on, it's just up there. You will require a Google account to use {crud:api}.
Note: each free account allows you to have a total of 100 database objects. Deleted items do not count towards your total. If you would like more, just contact us.
{crud:api} uses token/bearer authentication. So we need to create a token: open the API Keys web app page and click "Create new key". This will generate a unique token for your account. You will see the full token in a dialog box. This is the only time you will see it, so copy it and keep it safe.
Note: you can create as many API keys as you wish. In this way you can grant/revoke access for specific devices or systems.
Send a GET request to the {crud:api} API. In this example we're just probing the service.
curl -X GET -H
"Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization:
"Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication." - Leonardo da Vinci